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How to Deal With Pet Allergies: 10 Essential Tips

How to Deal With Pet Allergies

Having a pet can be a lot of fun, but if you have pet allergies, it can also be challenging. Pet allergies are caused by allergens like pet dander, saliva, and urine from cats and dogs. These allergens can trigger allergy symptoms such as sneezing, itchy eyes, and shortness of breath. If you or someone in your family has pet allergies, here are ten essential tips to help manage the symptoms and still enjoy your furry friends.

If you’re considering an emotional support animal (ESA) to help with your well-being despite allergies, take our ESA approval quiz to see if you qualify.

1. Understand Your Pet Allergies

The first step in managing pet allergies is to understand what triggers them. Common allergens include pet dander, dust mites, and pet saliva. It’s a good idea to get an allergy test to determine which allergens affect you the most. Knowing your specific triggers can help you take the right steps to reduce exposure.

2. Create an “Allergy-Free” Zone

One of the best ways to manage pet allergies is to create an “allergy-free” zone in your home. This is typically the bedroom. Keep your pets out of this area to reduce the allergen level where you sleep. Using high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in this room can also help trap pet allergens and keep the air cleaner.

3. Bathe Your Pet Regularly

Bathing your pet regularly can help reduce the amount of dander they shed. Use a gentle pet shampoo and follow the instructions to avoid any side effects. Regular baths can significantly lower the allergen level in your home.

Curious if an ESA can improve your quality of life? Find out if you can get an ESA letter by taking our ESA approval quiz.

4. Wash Your Hands

Always wash your hands after petting your cat or dog. Pet dander can stick to your skin, and if you touch your face, it can cause an allergic reaction. Keeping your hands clean helps reduce the chance of transferring allergens to your eyes, nose, or mouth.

5. Use HEPA Filters

HEPA filters are designed to trap small particles like pet dander. Using a HEPA air cleaner in your home can help reduce the number of allergens in the air. Look for HEPA filters in vacuums and air purifiers to help manage your pet allergies.

6. Clean Your Home Regularly

Regular cleaning can help keep pet allergens at bay. Vacuum carpets and furniture with a HEPA filter vacuum. Dust surfaces often and wash your pet’s bedding frequently. Cleaning helps reduce the overall allergen level in your home.

7. Consider Allergy Shots

If your pet allergies are severe, you might want to talk to your doctor about allergy shots. These shots can help your immune system become less sensitive to pet allergens over time. While they may not eliminate allergies, they can reduce symptoms and make living with pets more comfortable.

8. Keep Pets Off Furniture

To reduce exposure to pet allergens, keep your pets off the furniture. This includes sofas, chairs, and especially beds. Providing your pet with their own comfortable bed can help keep them off yours and reduce the spread of allergens.

9. Declutter Your Home

Removing clutter can help reduce the number of places where pet dander can accumulate. This includes removing carpets, curtains, and upholstered furniture if possible. Hard surfaces like wood or tile are easier to clean and don’t trap allergens as much as soft surfaces.

10. Get Medical Help

If you are having trouble managing your pet allergies, it’s important to seek medical help. A doctor can recommend medications or treatments to help control your symptoms. Over-the-counter antihistamines can also be effective in reducing allergy symptoms.

Managing pet allergies doesn’t mean you have to live without the support of an animal. See if an emotional support animal could be a good fit for you by taking our ESA approval quiz.

By following these tips, you can manage your pet allergies and still enjoy the company of your beloved cats and dogs. Remember, reducing exposure to allergens and keeping your home clean are key steps in managing pet allergies effectively.

Dog Collars vs. Harnesses: A Better Way to Walk Your Dog

When it comes to walking your dog, choosing between a collar and a harness can be challenging. Both options offer distinct advantages depending on your dog’s needs. In this guide, we’ll delve into the differences between dog collars and harnesses to help you make the best choice for your furry friend

Types of Dog Collars

Dog collars are essential accessories for most dogs, but they come in various styles and designs, each with unique features. Understanding the different types of collars can help you choose the right one for your dog’s needs and lifestyle.

Flat Collars

Flat collars are the most common type of dog collar. They are simple, versatile, and suitable for many different types of dogs. Flat collars are ideal for everyday wear and can hold ID tags for safety.

Martingale Collars

Martingale collars are designed to prevent dogs from slipping out of their collar. They tighten slightly when the dog pulls but are safer and more comfortable than choke collars. This type of collar is particularly useful for breed dogs that tend to escape.

ID Tag Collars

ID tag collars are crucial for keeping your dog safe. They have a special spot where you can attach ID tags. If they ever get lost, these tags help you find your dog. ID tag collars are practical and necessary for every dog owner.

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Potential Pros of Dog Collars

Dog collars offer several benefits, making them a popular choice for many pet owners. Understanding these advantages can help you decide if a collar is the best option for your dog.

Easy to Use

Collars are straightforward to put on and take off, making them convenient for daily use. They are especially useful for dogs that do not require special handling or have no significant respiratory issues.


For dogs that are well-behaved and do not pull excessively, collars offer sufficient control. They are effective for keeping your dog close during walks, especially if the dog pulls moderately.

ID Tags

Collars are an excellent option for attaching ID tags. These tags are essential for your dog’s safety, allowing others to contact you if your dog gets lost.


Collars can also be used for training purposes, especially for dogs that do not have behavioral issues or strong pulling tendencies.

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Tips for Buying a Dog Collar

Choosing the right collar involves more than just picking a design you like. Here are some important factors to consider to ensure you select a collar that is both functional and comfortable for your dog.


Getting the correct size is crucial for your dog’s comfort and safety. Measure your dog’s neck carefully and choose a collar that fits snugly but not too tightly. A well-fitting collar ensures that it stays in place and doesn’t cause discomfort.


Collars come in various materials, including nylon and leather. Select a material that suits your dog’s lifestyle and specific needs, such as durability for active dogs or softness for dogs with sensitive skin.


A collar should have a quick-release buckle to ensure your dog can be freed easily in case of an emergency. This feature is vital for your dog’s safety, particularly if they have medical conditions.

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Types of Dog Harnesses

Harnesses are an alternative to collars and come in different styles, each with its own set of features. Understanding these types can help you choose the best harness for your dog’s needs.

Back-Clip Harness

A back-clip harness has the leash attachment on the dog’s back. This type is often suitable for small or calm dogs, providing a comfortable and simple solution. It’s a good choice for working dogs or those that don’t pull aggressively.

Front-Clip Harness

The front-clip harness has the leash attachment on the dog’s chest. This design is beneficial for reducing pulling and helps with training. It is particularly useful for dogs that tend to pull hard on the leash.

Step-In Harness

Step-in harnesses are easy to put on because your dog simply steps into the harness. They are secured with a clip, making them a convenient option for many pet owners. This style is often favored for brachycephalic breeds because of its comfort.

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Potential Pros of Dog Harnesses

Harnesses offer various advantages, particularly for dogs with specific needs or behavioral issues. Here’s why you might consider using a harness instead of a collar.

Reduces Pulling

Front-clip harnesses are designed to help train dogs not to pull. This can make walks more enjoyable and less stressful for both you and your dog. Harnesses that reduce pulling are beneficial for dogs that tend to pull strongly on the leash.


Harnesses distribute pressure more evenly across your dog’s body, which can prevent injuries like tracheal collapse. This makes them a safer option for dogs with airway issues or sensitive necks.


Harnesses provide more control over large or energetic dogs, making them a good choice for managing powerful breeds or those with strong pulling tendencies.


Harnesses are often more comfortable for dogs, particularly those with medical conditions. They help avoid putting pressure on sensitive areas like the neck and throat, making them a preferred choice for dogs with existing health concerns.

Is your dog a perfect match for ESA support? Discover the details with our engaging quiz! Find out here!

Tips for Buying a Dog Harness

Selecting the right harness requires careful consideration to ensure it is suitable for your dog’s size and needs. Here are some tips to help you choose the best harness.


A harness should fit well around your dog’s chest, shoulders, and upper body. Proper fit ensures comfort and effectiveness in controlling your dog. A good harness should not chafe or restrict movement.


Choose a harness made from durable, breathable materials that will hold up well and keep your dog comfortable during walks. The material should be suitable for your dog’s activity level and weather conditions.

Adjustable Straps

Look for a harness with adjustable straps to achieve a perfect fit. This feature allows you to customize the harness to your dog’s specific measurements, ensuring that it remains secure and comfortable.

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Collars vs. Harnesses: The Pros and Cons

Choosing between a collar and a harness involves weighing the pros and cons of each option. Understanding these aspects will help you make an informed decision based on your dog’s needs.

Dog Collars


  • Easy to use
  • Holds ID tags
  • Suitable for training
  • Good for dogs that don’t pull


  • Can cause injuries like tracheal collapse
  • Less control over pulling dogs
  • Not suitable for dogs with breathing issues

Dog Harnesses


  • Reduces pulling
  • Distributes pressure evenly
  • More control
  • Comfortable for dogs with medical conditions


  • Can be harder to put on
  • Some dogs may not like wearing them
  • May encourage pulling if not used correct

Curious about ESA benefits for your dog? Take our fun and quick quiz to explore your options! Click here to find out!

What Should I Wear?

Here’s a handy table to help you decide whether a collar or harness is best for your dog based on different scenarios:

In conclusion, both collars and harnesses have their place in your dog’s life. Choosing the right one depends on your dog’s needs, health, and behavior. Remember to prioritize your dog’s comfort and safety when making your decision. Happy walking!

Common Toxic Plants for Dogs and Cats

Pets are curious creatures, and they often explore their surroundings by sniffing and tasting things. Unfortunately, some of the plants they encounter can be highly toxic to them. Knowing which plants are dangerous is essential to keeping your furry friends safe. In this blog post, we’ll discuss common toxic plants for cats and dogs, what parts of the plant are harmful, and the symptoms of poisoning.

Green Cycad Plant of the Genus Cycas

Sago Palm​

The Sago Palm poses a significant toxicity risk to both dogs and cats. Every part of the plant, especially the seeds, contains toxins that can cause liver failure. Even a small amount can be deadly. Symptoms include vomiting, drooling, abdominal pain, and liver damage. If you suspect your pet has ingested any part of a Sago Palm, contact your vet or animal poison control immediately.

English Ivy​

English Ivy​

English Ivy is another plant that is toxic to dogs and cats. This plant contains toxins that can cause vomiting, drooling, abdominal pain, and excessive thirst. The leaves and berries are especially dangerous. If your pet eats English Ivy, they may also experience difficulty breathing and an abnormal heart rate. Keeping your pets away from such plants is crucial. Did you know that having your pet registered as an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) can help ensure they are always looked after and safe? Take our ESA Quiz to see if your pet qualifies as an ESA today!



Oleander is an attractive plant, but it is highly poisonous. It contains cardiac glycosides, which can affect the heart. All parts of the plant are poisonous. Symptoms of oleander poisoning include drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, and an abnormal heart rate. In severe cases, it can lead to death.



Lilies are extremely toxic to cats. Even a small amount of any part of the plant can cause kidney failure. Symptoms may manifest as vomiting, excessive drooling, and significant lethargy. If you suspect your cat has eaten any part of a lily, seek veterinary help right away.

Azaleas and Rhododendrons

Azaleas and Rhododendrons

Azaleas and Rhododendrons contain toxins that can cause vomiting, drooling, diarrhea, and abnormal heart rates in pets. In severe cases, it can lead to coma or death. All parts of the plant are dangerous, so keep your pets away from these beautiful but toxic flowers.



Dieffenbachia, also known as Dumb Cane, contains toxins that can cause oral irritation, drooling, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing. Ingesting this plant can also lead to excessive thirst and drooling in both dogs and cats.



Cyclamen contains toxins that are most concentrated in the roots. Ingesting this plant can cause drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, and in severe cases, heart problems and seizures.



Daffodils contain toxins that can cause vomiting, drooling, abdominal pain, and heart problems. The bulbs are especially toxic, so be careful if you have these in your garden. Ensuring your pet's safety around toxic plants is just one step in keeping them healthy and happy. Consider getting your pet certified as an Emotional Support Animal to provide them with additional protection and support. Take our ESA Quiz to find out more!



Tulips contain toxins that can cause vomiting and drooling in pets. The bulbs are the most toxic part, so if your pet digs up and eats a tulip bulb, they could be in serious trouble.



The Yew plant poses a significant toxic risk to both dogs and cats. Ingesting this plant can lead to vomiting, difficulty breathing, and an abnormal heart rate. In severe cases, it can cause sudden death because of heart failure. All parts of the plant are dangerous, especially the berries and leaves.



Delphinium, also known as larkspur, contains toxins that can cause drooling, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Ingesting large amounts can lead to muscle weakness, paralysis, and even death. Both the leaves and seeds are highly toxic.



Foxglove contains cardiac glycosides, which can affect the heart. Ingesting any part of this plant can lead to vomiting, drooling, abdominal pain, and an abnormal heart rate. In severe cases, this can lead to fatal heart failure.



Bluebells contain toxins that can cause vomiting, drooling, and abdominal pain in pets. The entire plant is poisonous, but the bulbs are especially toxic.

Symptoms of Plant Poisoning

If your pet eats a toxic plant, they may show several symptoms, including:

  • Drooling
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Abnormal heart rate
  • Excessive thirst
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Diarrhea
  • Seizures

What to Do If Your Pet Eats a Toxic Plant

If you suspect your pet has ingested a toxic plant, take immediate action:

  1. Identify the Plant: Try to identify the plant your pet has eaten.
  2. Call Your Vet: Contact your vet or animal poison control for advice.
  3. Monitor Symptoms: Keep an eye on your pet for any symptoms of poisoning.
  4. Bring a Sample: If possible, bring a sample of the plant to the vet.

Being proactive about your pet’s health can prevent many emergencies. One way to ensure your pet receives the best care is by having them recognized as an Emotional Support Animal. Take our ESA Quiz now to see if your pet qualifies and learn about the benefits of having an ESA.


It’s important to know which plants are toxic to your pets to keep them safe. Avoid planting or keeping these plants in your home or garden. If you suspect your pet has ingested a toxic plant, act quickly and seek professional help. For a complete list of toxic and non-toxic plants, visit the ASPCA’s toxic and non-toxic plants list.

By being aware of the dangers, you can help ensure your pets stay healthy and happy.

10 Must-Know Pet Health Tips

Keeping your pet healthy and happy is a top priority for pet parents. Pets are not just animals; they are family members who depend on us for their well-being.

Just like humans, pets need regular care to maintain their health. From regular grooming to a balanced diet, there are several steps you can take to ensure your furry friend stays in great shape.

In this guide, we’ll explore ten essential pet wellness tips that are easy to follow and will help ensure your pet leads a happy, healthy life. Whether you have a dog or a cat, these tips are designed to cover all the basics and more:

1. Daily Brushing for a Healthy Coat

Regular brushing is crucial for your pet’s overall health. It helps remove dirt, distribute natural oils, and prevent matting. Combing from the skin out ensures you get all the tangles and keeps the coat looking shiny and healthy.

2. Proper Bathing Techniques

Bathing your pet correctly is essential for their skin and coat health. Here are some high-quality tips:

  • Brush Before Bathing: Always brush your pet’s coat to remove mats.
  • Use a Rubber Mat:  Place a rubber mat at the bottom of the tub to prevent slipping and ensure your pet’s safety.
  • Lukewarm Water: Avoid filling the tub with water. Instead, use lukewarm water to gently wet your furry friend.
  • Dog-Specific Shampoo: Use a shampoo specifically formulated for pets, starting at the neck and working downwards
  • Rinse Thoroughly: Make sure that all soap is completely rinsed from your pet’s coat.
  • Drying: Towel dry your pet and use a professional dryer for longer coats.

3. Regular Professional Maintenance

Routine visits to a professional groomer are vital for maintaining your pet’s coat and overall health. Groomers can spot potential health problems early, making preventive care more effective. During these visits, groomers can spot potential health problems early, such as skin infections, parasites, or abnormalities. This early detection makes preventive care more effective, ensuring that your pet remains happy and healthy. Regular professional grooming also helps keep your pet’s coat in optimal condition, reducing shedding and matting, and contributing to their overall wellness.

4. Healthy Diet

Feeding your pet a healthy, fresh food diet significantly impacts their overall health. High-quality food provides essential nutrients necessary for maintaining a pet’s health. A balanced diet keeps your pet healthy and energetic, supporting their immune system, digestive health, and overall vitality. Don’t forget to choose food that is appropriate for your pet’s age, size, and breed. A healthy diet is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to care for your pet and ensure their long-term health.

5. Quality Bathing Products

Using high-quality bathing products ensures that your pet’s skin and coat remain healthy. Look for shampoos and conditioners specifically designed for pets to avoid irritation and promote a shiny coat. High-quality products can help prevent skin issues and enhance the natural luster of your pet’s coat. Bathing your pet with the right products can also reduce odors and make grooming sessions more pleasant for both you and your pet.

6. Keep Vaccinations Up to Date

Keeping your pet’s vaccinations up to date is crucial for preventing diseases. Vaccinations protect your pet from serious illnesses and contribute to the overall health and safety of the pet community. Regular vaccinations are essential preventive measures to ensure your pet stays healthy and happy.

7. Dental Care is Crucial

Many pet parents overlook dental care, but brushing your pet’s teeth is vital for preventing dental diseases. Use pet-safe toothpaste and brushes to clean their teeth 1-2 times a week. Don’t forget to offer dental chews and water additives for additional dental health support.

8. Cleaning Your Dog’s Ears

Regular ear cleaning can prevent infections and other health problems. Here’s how to clean your dog’s ears:

  • Check Their Ears: If your dog frequently shakes its head, it’s time to check for infections.
  • Gather Supplies: Prepare ear cleaning solutions, cotton pads, and towels for the cleaning process.
  • Start Cleaning: Squeeze the solution into the ear canal and massage.
  • Let Them Shake: Allow your dog to shake its head to remove excess solution.
  • Wipe Clean: Carefully wipe the ear canal with cotton pads to ensure it is clean and dry.

9. Flea and Tick Preventative

Using flea and tick preventatives is essential to protect your pets from Lyme disease and other health issues. Regular treatments keep pests at bay and ensure your pet stays healthy and happy.

10. Regular Vet Check-ups

Routine veterinary check-ups are a must. October is National Pet Wellness Month, a perfect time to check your pet’s overall health. Vets can provide necessary vaccinations, spayed or neutered services, and other preventive care measures to keep your pet in optimal health.

By following these pet wellness tips, you can ensure your pets remain happy and healthy. Whether it’s grooming, diet, or regular vet visits, each aspect contributes to your pet’s well-being. Remember, a healthy pet is a happy pet!